Taking My Faith for Granted by Ann Prunier

I was brought up in the Catholic religion. I was the middle of seven children. I went through twelve years of Catholic School. I received the Sacraments and honored the Holy Days of Obligation. I fell in love and married a man who was Catholic. We had three sons, who we brought up Catholic. We went through Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation—times three.


I know all the prayers. I sang in the choir. I taught Sunday School. I knew all the rules. But I never really thought about my faith. I guess I took my faith for granted. That is, until I really needed it. You see one of my sons, at 15, got involved with drugs. I found out that I really needed, not so much my Catholic religion, but my faith.


It was only that faith that got me through three years of hell. My son became suicidal. He hit rock bottom and agreed to go to rehab. I did the research and got him into a fabulous place called “Summit Achievement” in Maine, where he remained for three months. My son went on to four years of college and is now an outstanding citizen with boys of his own.


I will never again take my faith for granted, for I have known the incredible power of prayer. Amen.

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